Sample From Executive Risk Assessment Findings Report

Risk assessment is a systematic process of identifying, evaluating, and prioritizing potential risks or uncertaintiesRisk Assessment affecting an activity, project, or system. It involves analyzing the likelihood and impact of these risks to make informed decisions about managing or mitigating them. By systematically assessing potential threats, organizations can proactively address challenges, enhance preparedness, and optimize decision-making for more successful outcomes. Risk assessment is crucial in various fields, including business, healthcare, and project management, fostering a proactive approach to minimizing uncertainties and maximizing opportunities.

Risk Assessment Executive Overview


The Risk Assessment (RA) aims to help the organization identify, analyze, and weigh all the potential risks, threats, and hazards that currently exist in the business’s internal and external environment.

It discovered if a facility is vulnerable to weather-related events, HVAC failure, Internal/External Security vulnerabilities, and local area hazards.  By identifying the threats, the organization can concentrate on developing and implementing strategies to mitigate or reduce the level of threats.  We can also implement strategies for contingency planning based on the potential exposures and the losses associated with them.

The objectives of this RA were:

  • Identify and rank potential risks and threats
  • Identify how vulnerable the company is to the risks
  • Estimate the potential impact of risk
  • Define preventative measures that are currently in place
  • Determine the overall risk to the company

Table of Contents of Executive Risk Assessment Findings Report




Facility Responses and Findings


Previous Disruptions (History Of Incidents)
Potential Risks & Vulnerability
Preventative Measures



Appendix A – Risk Assessment Survey
Appendix B – Individual Facility Surveys
Appendix C –Report Chart Templates

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